Saturday, May 28, 2011

Pot Luck Praise

Once more I have experienced the provision of the Lord. Once more I have gone to my cupboard, and put together something to take to the Church Potluck tomorrow.It is a small thing, an everyday thing. A thing of little note, well most days.
Let me digress for a moment, this morning I woke up wondering what I would make for our church potluck tomorrow.I did not have the opportunity to go to the grocery store as I had planned.I had just about used up all my flour baking bread the other day, my freezer had slim pickings; again that not getting to the store thing. "Lord, " I prayed, "what am I going to do for the pot luck, haven't been to the store you know!" The Biblical Story of the Widow who had enough flour and oil to bake for the prophet, herself came to mind. "Yes Lord I know you provided then, because there was a famine in the land,because the prophet needed to eat...this is just I did not get to the store. Kinda like it is my fault for not making the time, and I really know you have bigger and better things to do than to provide for me when it is essentially my fault that I did not go to the store."
God brought me up short, the thought crossed my mind, don't you think God loves you enough to provide even though you did not do what you could have done going to the store. Does He only provide for those who deserve it? Next a me thought came flitting across, well He can, and He does but...the thought trailed off. I did not want to get into a theological argument with a God thought. Instead, I got up and decided to make do with what the cupboard and pantry would provide. The Lord helps those who help themselves as the old saying goes. (Right now gentle reader, I will admit that I do not always do, think or say that which is Godly see first blog about God not being finished with me yet.)
Standing at my pantry entrance I found a chocolate cake mix, some oil, and I had eggs, nuts and chocolate chips.....Double Chocolate chip cookies as a desert to take came to mind. Ok, I had my recipe that I got on the Internet a long time ago, dug that out mixed them up and volia' I had my desert to take. I still had to figure out a main dish,for Bible Study today. Way at the back was a can of beef, beef and barley soup for the main dish, I found canned mixed veggies, had barley, and some beef bullion. Lots of spices in the cupboard.Think I can make a tolerable soup out of that, and whatever the Spirit moves for me to throw in. I had baked Challah bread, froze it that would go with, and I could make a peach cobbler for desert. So I started in baked the cookies. Have not started the soup yet, as I have some time before we have bible study, I am sure that too ,will turn out to be sufficient, more than enough really.
"Who loves you Baby? " came the God thought across my mind once more,and the one word Provision. Thank you God for your provision you knew that this day would come, I would be grocery store short, and I would have enough. Once more I was hit with the awesome provision of the Lord. It was a little thing, it was a God thing, and I praise Him for it.

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