Sunday, May 29, 2011


If you have ever been near a barbed wire fence, you know you do not want to be caught up in it. Matter of fact, when you hear the phrase "Get off the Fence" and you have done a bit of fencing you envision a quite painful place if you fence sit. So fence sitting is not where you want to be. Yet, many times, as Christians,we find ourselves right in that place. We do not know where we are to be, because we do not know if we want to be the sheep of God's Pasture or run wild in the world. All of this should be a no brainer. Yet we continue to feel life's barbs because we do not make a decision as to which side of the fence we wish to be.
God has placed a fence, a hedge about us with His Torah, His law, precepts, and ordinances. They are like the barbs on a fence keeping the wild animals out and the sheep inside the pasture where they can be cared for. Many Christians state that this is just not what we need to be worried about, after all Jesus fulfilled the Law. Which actually, a better translation for that Greek word would be filled full; which means that we are no longer condemned by the law but are freed to follow it. When we fail to keep our hearts right with God's precepts, Jesus' sacrifice keeps us from separation, it does not keep us from obedience.
Actually it becomes a joy to follow the Lord's precepts, they keep us. They guard us. The kicker, however, is we have free will we can choose which side of the fence we will be on. Sometimes we fence sit, neither being in the pasture with the care of God or in the territory of the wild animals running wild. This is a very painful place to be, because we are neither in or out of God's will for us. We have no peace just barbs up our butts. (Forgive me for being crude , gentle reader, but it is a painful place.)
So where do you choose to be? In the pasture? Where the wild things are? Fence sitting neither in, or out, in great pain? Choose this day whom you will serve, and in whose territory you will live,God or Satan. It is all up to you you can choose the blessing, you can choose the curse. Even when you choose not to choose you have made a choice.
I choose life, I choose obedience, because in obedience, the Love of the Father cares for me daily as I stay within the fence. Drawing me closer to His heart, so that I may show in my daily walk the heart of my Abba, my daddy.

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