Friday, May 27, 2011

New Beginnings-He is the potter.

Today is a new beginning, I have learned once more I am a work in progress. I have once more been reminded that God is the Potter, I am the clay.I went ahead of things and tried to do that which was not for me to do.
Many times this lump of clay tried to shape myself. I had all sorts of ideas of what I should be, perhaps a lovely vase, perhaps a cup, a bowl or a dish. Well each time I tried to will myself into these things, I remained just a lump of clay upon the wheel.
Then came the day when the wheel began to turn, wet hands began to shape me. Just what I was to be shaped into I did not know. I only knew that God would shape me into a useful, vessel for Him. I found that time, did not mean as much as He worked, and works on me. I just know that He is not finished with me yet. For which I am grateful, patiently, carefully hands continue to work on me making me into a fit vessel for service to and for Him.
I still have to be fired,hardened, strengthened to be what He chooses for me to be. I will admit that,that stage of the making I am not looking forward to. Yet I know it is necessary for me to go through the fire, so that I may be complete.

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