Monday, May 30, 2011


Memorial day, once more the thoughts come of those who have gone before us. Whether it is remembering those who gave their lives for their countries, so that others might live or remembering those in our families that have died; we remember those who have gone before. Yes, I too have these thoughts. I think of the people who gave there lives so that we might have freedom. The Civil War Vets, World War Vets, Vietnam Vets, Afghanistan vets, Desert Storm Vets, more could be listed but those are the ones that quickly come to mind.
There are many who have lost their lives in battle. Today, I would like to bring your attention to one such man. You may have heard of him, may have not, his name Yeshua (Jesus). He battled not against flesh and blood but he battled for men's souls. He tau
ght men how to live in unity with God, and he gave up his life that we might be freed from death brought in as a result of sin. Yes, he gave up his life for our freedom, but the most unique thing about him is that he did not stay in the grave. He rose, the first of those who conquered sin, death and the grave. He went to be with God sitting at His right hand ever making intercession for us, our high priest, our advocate, our surrogate taking our place so that his righteous life making atonement for our unrighteous one.
Today I remember him, I remember he lived and died in this battle for our restoration to the freedom we have in God. I remember he taught us how to live, he taught us the things of God, he taught us and then he laid down his life, and took it up again. For me this is fact, for me this is truth, for me this is life eternal, that Yeshua was the Suffering Servant, so that in the end he would be the Triumphant King. Through that victory, I too would obtain victory over sin, death, and the devil. So I bring to your attention this valiant warrior who battled for our souls and won. Have you bothered to thank him for his service to the Kingdom of God, to thank him for his sacrifice that we might live free and not die separated from God?

Today I pause, to remember....Lest We Forget.

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