Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Passing through

Today started like most days for me with Bible Study, then the news. I began to think to myself what a strange combination. The news had as most days its reasons for worry, or concern over the way our nation and the world is going. Since I had read scripture before the news, I knew enough to "not let your heart be troubled." Another thought came with that, I am just passing through anyway. It is all about your focus, some days you need to be in the world not of it.
So I turned in Praise and Worship to the God who has thus far sustained me. I centered on His Lordship, He is the King of Kings, the Lord of all. He is the great I am, I will be , and I always have been, He is worthy of praise, He is El Shaddi, The Lord of Hosts, the Creator and Keeper of the Universe.As I did, I became aware of His presence with me, He reminded me that this earth is temporary, and one day there will be a new heaven and new earth. That all things in my life are transitory, that all the things I have can be taken from me in a moment, and even if that did not happen, I am a person, and people just do not get out of this world alive everybody dies sometime.
Now I believe that Jesus died to give me eternal life, so I know that after I have lived my life here, I will go on to live with Him in eternity. I am just passing through . I thank the Lord that he has made that provision for me. This colors the way I live my life, this is the hope I have in Jesus. I am just passing through, and whatever befalls me pales in eternity.
What about you? Have you ever just thought you were passing through, or do you hold to this world and your existence in it being the only existence? Or you may think there are many roads to eternity with god. If those ideas color the way you look at eternity, will you consider Jesus? If you do not believe that there is an eternal life after death, will you still consider Jesus? To me He is more than a man, He is the way to life eternal, and I am just passing through.